Tuesday, January 21, 2025



Joe Biden's Legacy of Failure, Hypocrisy, and Murder

The outgoing president badly wants to be remembered as a good man who tried his best. Pity it’s not true.
(Stephen Prager & Nathan J. Robinson & Alex Skopic at Current Affairs.org)

January 20, 2025

"As his presidency has been, by and large, successful in delivering for the American people. Biden’s view is that he saved the country from disaster, but his accomplishments were not appreciated. In his mind, he spent his time nobly working on fixing the country and did not think about the grubby public relations aspect of politics. 'I'm not a very good huckster… I almost spent too much time on the policy, not enough time on the politics,' he told MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell. His error, then, was that he was too pure for this world, too humble a public servant. James Clyburn, a leading Biden defender, similarly says that 'I defy anybody to show me an administration that has been more impactful on the general public than Biden has been since, I suspect, Lyndon Johnson.'"

Monday, January 20, 2025


The Comedy Shop with The Unknown Comic
(Aviday's Interests on YouTube)

* * * * *

"He was like a father to me."  - T. Bag

Best YouTube Comments:


The Unknown Comic (Murray Langston) is still alive 1/17/25. He appeared on more than 150 episodes of the Gong Show. He was reportedly embarrassed about appearing on the show, so he put a bag over his head with holes for his eyes/mouth, memorized a few old jokes and burst onto the show as "The Unknown Comic". The character, a frenetic speed-jokester in smarmy attire, was a hit, and developed a cult following.



Gong but not forgotten.


Exeunt, the Man from Scranton
(Patrick Lawrence / Original to ScheerPost)
January 20, 2025

"I honestly do not think Joe Biden ever had a chance to make sense of his four years as president. It is not merely his native stupidity, and Joseph R. Biden, Jr.’s  execrable record on the foreign side seems evidence enough that he is through and through, all-over stupid. This does not distinguish Biden among American presidents, after all. No, the matter to hand is larger. If you assume the task of running an empire and the empire has profligately abused the world’s once-considerable reservoir of goodwill, anyone short of a philosopher king was bound to fail as America’s No. 46."

* * * * *

"America can be defined in a single word..."
 (Curt Explores on YouTube | 7-seconds)

Sunday, January 19, 2025


 One Bad Apple: A Human Fable

There’s an old fairy tale about a dude back in the before times who, while vacationing in paradise, poached a fruit that imparted to him the knowledge of both good and evil.

[ed. note: I’ve always wondered why he could be blamed for doing something wrong if he was never taught the difference in the first place.]

So, this free lunch got him and his girlfriend kicked out of the resort and amazingly it also caused everyone ever since to suffer and die, and also wear clothes all the time. I know it’s just a story but it’s as good a reason as any to avoid Smart Water.

Some blame his girlfriend for talking him into it but these same folk often extol the virtues of taking responsibility for your actions. They don’t appear to accept the ‘I was only following orders’ excuse. But in a bizarre twist many of the super fans and cosplayers seem to be OK with hereditary guilt, the one sin to rule them all. So we’re supposed to take responsibility for someone else’s actions, too. Wow!

And there’s even others who say if you eat tiny pieces of mystery bread every weekend it helps cure you of that original food poisoning that you probably never had because you can’t afford a vacation in paradise. The details are fuzzy and frankly get a bit creepy. Blah, blah, blah.

Anyway, it’s a cool story but most people are missing the point.

Knowledge is another word for intelligence, which is by its nature neither good nor evil, but seems to be associated with most human suffering, e.g. the slave trade, economic wars, and Lunchables. Almost every invention, the fruit of our intelligence, is twisted into something that causes more evil than good. If you're confused consult Siri.

We’ve all become victims of knowledge, not because we know and learn things but because in aggregate our species inevitably uses knowledge to screw each other over.

Imagine how beautiful this planet would be if we weren’t such Great Apes.


A very special interview.

Candace Owens Thinks Dinosaurs Are What?

(SciManDan on YouTube)
January 14, 2025

"On a recent podcast, Candace Owens discusses the moon landing and dinosaurs.

It does not go well.


* * * * * *

I became aware of the existence of this... personality? ... commentator? ...pundant? ...idiot? when she began appearing in recent clips on political websites.

That she makes actual money by expressing her views is further evidence that the corporate media's primary mission is maintaining a clueless society.

Spreading stupid is far more richly rewarded than educating the electorate.

* * * * * *



I used to wonder if corporate pundits pretended to be stupid or did they simply crave fame and fortune and the opportunity to spread propaganda for their chosen ideology.

The evidence is mounting that genuine idiots float to the top of the information cesspool because unbiased expertise disqualifies you for a high-paying job in our government and its media. An educated electorate is the last thing our overlords want, right after honest work.

In the U.S. if you’re allowed to speak freely you’re probably not saying anything worth hearing. Being deaf to suffering, dumb regarding threats to our existence, and blind to objective reality, seems to be the key to success these days. Idiocracy indeed!

The ‘Candunce’ interview broken down in the video above broke my brain. I wouldn’t know who she was if otherwise decent folks didn’t platform her by showing clips of her mouth making noises. I'm just about finished watching dumb asses get debunked, even when commentators I like take time out to ridicule establishment hacks. The list of media personalities, comics, actors, and anchors I won't watch again is getting very long! 

Great journalist are dying off and the independents carrying the torch are under threat. Most genuine journalists struggle to maintain a livelihood, they're suppressed, imprisoned, and even assassinated. Everyone should consider boycotting mainstream media and support independent journalism instead.

Boycott The Duopoly!

Friday, January 10, 2025


 Amish farmer victory in USDA court battle
(Alison Morrow with Robert Barnes on Youtube)

"Amish farmer Amos Miller has been battling the USDA over his raw dairy and other food products, as the USDA says he does not have the permits required to sell these items. Robert Barnes has been part of Miller's legal team, and joins me to discuss their recent court win."

* * * * *
Factory farming and overly processed food has been catastrophic to both our planet and us people. 
 If we were put on this planet for the sole purpose of poisoning it, I'd give us an A grade and shiny brown star.


JLENS (military surveillance balloons)
(Wikipedia Article)
"The Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Netted Sensor System, or JLENS (colloquially, Spy Balloon), was a tethered aerial detection system designed to track boats, ground vehicles, cruise missiles, manned and unmanned aircraft (airborne early warning and control), and other threats. The system had four primary components: two tethered aerostats which utilized a helium/air mix, armored mooring stations, sophisticated radars, and a processing station designed to communicate with anti-missile and other ground and airborne systems. Each system was referred to as an "orbit", and two orbits were built. The Army-led joint program which fielded JLENS was designed to complement fixed-wing surveillance aircraft, saving money on crew, fuel, maintenance and other costs, and give military commanders advance warning to make decisions and provide notifications. Following cost overruns, underperformance, declining support in Congress, and public scrutiny following a snapped tether which allowed one craft moored at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland to drift on a 100-mile uncontrolled descent across Pennsylvania, dragging its cable tether which damaged power lines and cut power to 20,000 homes, the program was suspended in October 2015, and completely discontinued by 2017."

* * * * *

Progress isn't a natural progression.
Nature thrives when conditions are sustainable.
We seem to be advancing toward oblivion.

Monday, December 30, 2024


Secret CIA report on Syria reveals US plan to overthrow Assad government... in 1986!

(Geopolitical Economy Report on YouTube)
December 30, 2024

"The United States spent decades trying to overthrow the Syrian government, before succeeding in 2024. A declassified CIA document from 1986 outlined US plans for regime change. The blueprint was almost exactly what happened in the proxy war that started in 2011."

* * * * *

A pox o' Pax Americana!